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Read more about why content marketing is so important
Content Marketing

Why is content marketing so important?

Articles, videos, photos or infographics. These and other elements are part of the so-called content marketing - a very effective advertising tool. Are you wondering what this form of promotion consists of and whether it has any real value? Let′s find out.

Read more about why content marketing is so important

Learn more about the right keywords and how to make the most of them
Keywords and their use

Find the right keywords for your website and make the most of them

Every website should have some terms and phrases that appear frequently on it and are related to its focus. These are called keywords and their use across your site plays a significant role in search engine optimization.

Learn more about the right keywords and how to make the most of them

Learn more about how to use LinkedIn to its full potential
LinkedIn communication

Use the full potential of LinkedIn and engage new customers

There are hundreds of different social networks in the world today. But Instagram and Facebook have long been among the most used. However, another very useful platform is often overlooked when creating B2B advertising campaigns – LinkedIn. Come with us to see how you can work it into your marketing strategy and simply use it to attract new customers.

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More about whether it′s a good idea to build a website yourself
web development

Can anyone create a website? And is it good to create it yourself?

There are approximately 1.5 billion websites in the world. This fact makes this a fairly competitive environment in which it is not exactly easy to shine. Of course, in the domestic market this number will be much lower, but even here today you can find websites and e-shops focusing on almost anything. So if you′re going to set up your own website that you′d like to impress with, you need to consider whether it′s worth embarking on this project on your own or whether it′s better to leave it to the experts.

More about whether it′s a good idea to build a website yourself

More about why your website is loading slowly...
Slow loading of the site

Is your website loading slowly? There could be a plenty of reasons why

The speed of your website depends on many factors and unfortunately it is not easy to increase it from one day to another. If you feel that your site is loading too slowly, you may need to change web hosts or modify your site to a great extent. And sometimes that′s a tough nut to crack. However, we won′t go into any heavy technicalities today. You can solve some of the problems yourself.

More about why your website is loading slowly...

Learn more about why visitors leave your website
Why do customers leave your website too early

Why do customers leave your website too earlyand how to change it

Do you feel that you have too many internet travellers on your website - people who visit the site but soon leave? This may indicate that something is wrong with your website (from a technical or design perspective). Join us for a look at the most common causes of high bounce rates, as well as ways to keep customers on your website for as long as possible.

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More about the website development plan
How to plan a website development

How to plan a website development to meet or exceed your expectations

Do you want to have your own website or online store created by professionals? This is a great step to attract new customers and impress existing ones. However, a web developer is not clairvoyant, and to meet all your expectations, you will have to tell him your idea. A quality assignment is half the battle. The actual creation is already a piece of cake for experts.

More about the website development plan

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Prestashop vs. Shoptet – jaká platforma pro tvorbu e-shopu je nejlepší?

Prestashop vs. Shoptet– what is the best platform for e-shop creation?

Developing an e-shop out of nothing only with the use of code is some kind of relic these days. Even though you can create truly any websites this way, it is also toilsome and lengthy way of doing it. Majority of smaller, medium-sized and a part of the bigger e-shops is built upon one of the platforms, which are meant for the e-shop creation and make the work considerably easier. Let′s have a look, which one is the best.

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8 ways to get your website rank better in Google

8 ways to get your website rank better in Google

Whether you have a blog or an online stor, a large part of your success depends on how high you appear in the results of search engines like Google or Seznam. There are a number of factors that affect your ranking. The good news is that you can improve most of them yourself. Let′s take a look at how it′s done.

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Learn more about image optimization
Image optimization for internet search

Image optimization for internet search

Images make your content more attractive and engaging, but using them is also important for SEO and web accessibility. Google Images is a search service that allows users to search the internet for images. It was launched in 2001. An important part of image optimization is properly filled out image alt text, which can help you to rank better on this service.

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